Sunday, April 30, 2023

8 Proven Steps to Launching Your Dream Career in Social Work: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

Here is a step-by-step guide for a social work student to secure a field practice opportunity in Kenya:

  1. Identify your area of interest: Start by identifying your area of interest in social work. This will help you narrow down potential organizations that offer field practice opportunities in Kenya. Some examples of social work fields of practice in Kenya include:

  • Child welfare: Working with children and families to ensure their safety, wellbeing, and development.
  • Community development: Helping communities identify and address their needs and empowering them to take action.
  • Healthcare: Providing social support to patients and their families, and working with healthcare providers to ensure that patients receive holistic care.
  • Mental health: Providing mental health counseling and support services to individuals and families.
  • Refugee and migration: Providing social support to refugees and migrants and advocating for their rights

2. Research potential organizations: Once you have identified your area of interest, research potential organizations that offer field practice opportunities in that field. Some examples of organizations in Kenya include: Child welfare: Child Welfare Society of Kenya, SOS Children's Villages Kenya, UNICEF Kenya.

  • Community development: Community Development Trust Fund, National Council of NGOs, Africa Philanthropy Network.
  • Healthcare: Ministry of Health, Kenya Medical Association, Kenya Medical Research Institute.
  • Mental health: BasicNeeds Kenya, Africa Mental Health Foundation, Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital.
  • Refugee and migration: UNHCR Kenya, Kenya Red Cross Society, Heshima Kenya.

3. Prepare your application materials: Once you have identified potential organizations, prepare your application materials, including your resume, cover letter, and academic transcripts. Your cover letter should highlight your passion for social work, relevant coursework, and any previous experience or volunteer work.

For example, if you are interested in working in child welfare, you may want to highlight any previous experience working with children, such as babysitting or volunteering at a daycare center.

4. Submit your application: Submit your application materials to the organizations you have identified. Be sure to follow their application guidelines, which may include filling out an online application or emailing your documents to a specific contact.

For example, if you are applying to work with the Community Development Trust Fund, you may need to fill out an online application form and attach your application materials. If you are applying to work with UNHCR Kenya, you may need to email your application materials to their recruitment team.

5. Follow up: After submitting your application, follow up with the organization to ensure that they have received it. This shows that you are proactive and interested in the opportunity.

For example, you could send a polite email to the organization's recruitment team to inquire about the status of your application.

6. Prepare for interviews: If your application is successful, the organization may invite you for an interview. Prepare for the interview by researching the organization, practicing your responses to common interview questions, and dressing professionally.

For example, if you are applying to work with the Ministry of Health, you may want to research current health policies in Kenya and prepare to answer questions about your understanding of these policies.

7. Attend interviews: Attend the interviews and make a good impression by being on time, demonstrating good communication skills, and expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

For example, if you are interviewing with Heshima Kenya, you may want to demonstrate your knowledge of the challenges facing refugees in Kenya and your passion for advocating for their rights.

8. Receive an offer: If you are successful in the interview process, you may receive an offer for a field practice opportunity. Be sure to review the terms and conditions of the offer carefully before accepting it.

For example, if you receive an offer to work with SOS Children's Villages Kenya, you may want to review the organization's policies and procedures 

"The Foodie Social Worker: How One Woman's Passion for Cooking Transformed Her Career and Built Community Through Food"

As a social worker, Lula had always been passionate about helping people in need. But after years of working in high-stress environments, she found herself in need of an outlet to cope with the emotional toll of her work. That's when she discovered cooking.

Cooking became a form of therapy for Lula. She found solace in the repetitive chopping of vegetables and the meditative stirring of a simmering pot. And as she experimented with new recipes and flavors, she discovered a passion for culinary arts that she never knew she had.

Lula started a food blog where she shared her favorite recipes, cooking tips, and food reviews. She even started leading cooking workshops for her clients, teaching them how to prepare healthy meals on a budget.

One day, Lula met a family who had recently immigrated to the country and was struggling to adapt to the new culture and cuisine. They missed the flavors of their home country and were having a hard time finding the ingredients they needed to prepare their traditional meals.

Lula knew she could help. She researched recipes and ingredients from the family's home country and even took a trip to a nearby ethnic market to stock up on the necessary spices and ingredients. She invited the family over to her home and cooked a traditional meal for them, sharing stories about her own culinary journey along the way.

The family was overjoyed and touched by Lula's generosity and kindness. They left feeling more connected to their new community and grateful for the support they had received.

Lula's love for cooking had not only helped her cope with the stresses of her job but had also become a tool for bringing people together and promoting cultural understanding.

Through her blog, cooking workshops, and one-on-one interactions with her clients, Lula had become known as the "foodie social worker" and had inspired others to explore their own culinary passions.

Lula had learned that food had the power to heal, unite, and inspire. And as long as she continued to share her love for cooking with others, she knew she could make a difference in the lives of those she served.

Empowering Adam; Unlock the Power of Self-Care: A Daily Routine for Social Workers to Thrive Amidst Emotional Demands!

As a coach, I would first like to acknowledge the emotional toll that social worker Adam is experiencing in the story. It is essential to take care of oneself while dealing with the emotional demands of social work. Here is a suggested self-care plan for Adam:

  1. Prioritize sleep: Sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and stick to it even on weekends.

  2. Exercise regularly: Exercise is a great way to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase energy levels. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, whether it's a quick walk or a workout at the gym.

  3. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga, can help reduce stress and increase emotional well-being. Set aside some time each day to practice mindfulness.

  4. Connect with loved ones: Spend time with friends and family who provide support and encouragement. Make time for social activities that bring you joy and connection.

  5. Engage in hobbies: Pursue activities that bring you pleasure and help you relax. Whether it's reading, cooking, or playing music, engaging in hobbies can be a great way to unwind.

  6. Set boundaries: Learn to say no when you need to, and set limits on your work schedule. It's essential to have time for self-care, rest, and relaxation.

  7. Seek support: Reach out to a trusted colleague or mentor to talk about the challenges you're facing. Consider seeking therapy or counseling if needed.

Day-to-day routine:


  • Wake up at the same time every day
  • Practice mindfulness for 10 minutes
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Review daily tasks and schedule

During work:

  • Take breaks throughout the day to stretch, breathe, and reset
  • Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it's okay to ask for help
  • Set boundaries with clients and colleagues

After work:

  • Engage in physical activity, such as a walk or yoga
  • Connect with friends or family for support and relaxation
  • Take time to pursue hobbies or activities that bring you joy
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation before bed

Before bed:

  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine
  • Disconnect from technology at least 30 minutes before bed
  • Practice deep breathing or meditation to help you unwind and relax

Remember, self-care is not selfish but necessary for maintaining emotional and physical well-being. By prioritizing self-care, Adam can better care for himself and his clients. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Heartbreaking Sacrifice: A Social Worker's Journey to Help Those in Need

Once there was a boy named Adam, who grew up in a small town with a big heart. He was always sensitive to the suffering of others, and he knew from a young age that he wanted to make a difference in the world.

As he got older, Adam became more and more interested in social work. He saw the way that poverty and injustice affected people in his community, and he knew that he wanted to help in any way he could. So, he went to school and studied hard, dedicating himself to learning everything he could about social work and the ways it could change lives.

After graduation, Adam started working at a local non-profit organization, helping families in need. He worked long hours, often staying late into the night to finish paperwork and make sure that everyone had the support they needed. He saw the impact of his work in the grateful smiles of the families he helped, and he knew that he was making a difference.

But as time went on, Adam began to realize just how much pain and suffering there was in the world. He saw families torn apart by addiction, children living in poverty and abuse, and people struggling with mental illness and trauma. He saw the way that the system failed those who needed help the most, and how hard it was to make lasting change in the face of so much suffering.

Adam's work began to take a toll on him. He was constantly exhausted, and he found it harder and harder to leave his work at the office. He started to feel the weight of the world on his shoulders, and he struggled to find hope in the face of so much pain.

One day, Adam received a call from a family he had been working with for months. It was a young mother, crying on the other end of the line, telling him that her son had died from an overdose. Adam felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He had worked so hard to help this family, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed them.

From that day on, Adam found it harder and harder to keep going. He saw the pain of the families he worked with every day, and he knew that there was so much more that needed to be done. But he also knew that he couldn't keep going on like this forever. The weight of the world was too heavy, and he was drowning in the pain.

In the end, Adam made the difficult decision to leave his job as a social worker. He knew that he had done everything he could to help those in need, but he also knew that he couldn't keep sacrificing his own well-being in the process. It was a heartbreaking decision, but it was also the only one he could make.

Years later, Adam still thinks about the families he worked with and wonders how they're doing. He knows that he made a difference in their lives, but he also knows that there is still so much more work to be done. He hopes that one day, he can find a way to make a difference without losing himself in the process.

Friday, April 28, 2023

The Inspiring Journey of Bekele: Why She Pursued Social Work as a Career

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Bekele. She had always been drawn to helping others and had a passion for social justice. As she grew older, she realized that she wanted to make a career out of helping those in need. This led her to pursue social work as her chosen field.

Bekele's journey began with a degree in social work from a top university. She learned about the challenges that people face in their lives and how social workers can make a difference. She worked hard to gain the skills and knowledge she needed to help her clients navigate difficult situations.

One of Bakele's most inspiring experiences as a social worker came when she worked with a homeless family. The mother and father had lost their jobs and were struggling to make ends meet. They had three young children and were living in the streets.

Bekele was able to connect them with resources for food, housing, and job training. She also helped them access mental health services and provided emotional support. Over time, the family was able to get back on their feet and find stable housing.

Bekele's work with this family showed her the impact that social workers can have on people's lives. It also inspired her to continue to work towards social justice in her community.

As Bekele continued to grow in her career, she became involved in advocacy work. She worked to change policies and systems that were unfair to marginalized communities. She spoke up for those who did not have a voice and worked to create a more just society.

Bekele's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of social work. It shows that with hard work, dedication, and compassion, social workers can make a real difference in people's lives. Whether you are considering a career in social work or simply want to learn more about this vital field, Sarah's story is sure to inspire you.

Story Inspired by a real social work girl called Bekele

What are the Core Values and importance of Ethical Principles in Social Work

  Social work is a profession guided by a strong set of core values and ethical principles. These values serve as the foundation for social ...